Harold and kumar actors with med degree
Harold and kumar actors with med degree

harold and kumar actors with med degree

The appearance of many social groups makes variety of languages. In society people tend to live in certain group of similar social factors and it makes people speak different language and dialect based on their social group. Through language the speakers can identify themselves as well as their language as a symbol of their society. INTRODUCTION In life, humans use language as a tool to interact with each other and express their personal reaction to the situation. Kata kunci: kata slang, jenis slang, makna, Harold dan Kumar. Jenis makna afektif adalah yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam sumber data.

harold and kumar actors with med degree

Untuk makna, ada tujuh jenis makna berdasarkan teori Leech (1974) tetapi hanya enam jenis yang ditemukan dalam naskah film, yaitu makna konseptual, makna konotatif, makna sosial, makna kolokatif, makna yang direfleksikan, dan makna afektif. Jenis flippant adalah yang paling banyak ditemukan di sumber data.


Ada lima jenis slang dalam teori Allan dan Burridge (2006) tetapi hanya empat jenis yang ditemukan dalam naskah film, yaitu fresh and creative, imitatif, Info Article Received : 5 th August 2019 Accepted : 8 th May 2020 Publised : 31 st May 2020Ģ Slang Words Used in Movie Script Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle 151 flippant, acronym, dan clipping. Ada empat puluh slangs baik dalam bentuk kata-kata atau frasa yang dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang disebutkan di atas. Metode dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data, dan metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Allan dan Burridge (2006) yang berjudul Forbidden words: Taboo and The Censoring of Language yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis kata slang, dan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Leech (1974) berjudul Study of Meaning digunakan untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis makna kata slang yang disampaikan dalam film. Data penelitian ini diambil dari skrip film "Harold dan Kumar Go to White Castle" sebagai sumber data. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis slang dan makna yang disampaikan dalam naskah film Harold dan Kumar Go to White Castle. Keywords: slang words, type of slang, meaning, Harold and Kumar Abstrak Penelitian ini berjudul Kata Slang Digunakan dalam Naskah Film "Harold Dan Kumar Go to White Castle". Affective meaning type is the most found in the data source. Those are conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, collocative meaning, reflected meaning, and affective meaning. For the meaning, there were seven types of meaning based on the theory proposed by Leech (1974) but only six types were found in the movie script. Flippant type was the most found in the data source. Those are fresh and creative, imitative, flippant, acronym, and clipping. There are five types of slang in theory of Allan and Burridge (2006) but only four types were found in the movie script. There were forty slangs either in the form of words or phrases that are analyzed based on theory mentioned above. The documentation method is used to collect the data, and descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the data. The theories used in the study are theory proposed by Allan and Burridge (2006) entitled Forbidden words: Taboo and The Censoring of Language used to identify the types of slang word, and theory proposed by by Leech (1974) entitled Study of Meaning used to analyze the meanings conveyed in the movie. The data of this study were collected from Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle movie script as the data source. The aims of the study are to identify the types of slang and meaning conveyed in movie script Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. 1 DOI: p-issn:, e-issn: X Terakreditasi Sinta-4, SK No: 23/E/KPT/2019 Humanis: Journal of Arts and Humanities Vol 24.: Slang Words Used in Movie Script Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle I Made Yudhi Putrawan*, I Nengah Sudipa, Ni Wayan Sukarini English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia *Corresponding Author 150 Abstract The title of this study is Slang Word Used in Movie Script Harold And Kumar Go to White Castle.

Harold and kumar actors with med degree